
Greenspan Sham

he used a lot of big words and would
deliberately, wrap them in a way such that, if you
played them in a continuous loop, they
would segue into each other like a vicious
maze that took you nowhere and in effect
committed to nothing, it was brilliant, an
intentional, delivery of balderdash, that
was colored with crafty terms and
forecasts that sounded like if they meant
something but in effect, was an intentional,
effort to confuse those they could and to
baffle those they could not confuse, like a
bridge that goes halfway across a river and
turns right back to where you started…


I’ve Seen

i’ve seen a roadrunner walking
i’ve seen a police officer break the law
i’ve seen a wetnap that was dry
i’ve seen a happy man cry
i’ve seen a man get away with murder
i’ve seen a bank rob a customer
i’ve seen the E.P.A. reject cleaner air
i’ve seen a caregiver that did not care
i’ve seen a mother kill her children
i’ve seen bad things happen to good people
i’ve seen a pastor abuse his flock
i’ve seen a baby waving a glock
i’ve seen the day turn into night
i’ve seen the helpless get up and fight
i’ve seen the devil quoting jesus
i’ve seen a big snake being eaten  by a  small rat
i’ve seen many crazy things, yow
but i’ve never seen crazyness like that

War is Terror

two thousand years after Jesus
a man rode in from the wild west
wearing an arrogant smirk
he did not say he was the messiah
but he kept quoting Jeremiah
he had a streak of righteousness
and he stubbornly stuck to his guns
he spoke of peace and created war
spoke of freedom and took away rights
spoke about democracy and dissed the world
he did everything we tell our kids not to do
he hit first
he ignored others views
he was reckless with life
he exaggerated the truth
he would not accept his mistakes
he was inconsiderate to others
he littered and polluted
he eavesdropped
he downright lied
he bullied
he stole and cheated
while hiding behind the shield of Christ
with the media as his accomplice
he committed atrocities against the weak
killed and maimed because he could
he ignored the people
it was a crime against all of us
and in the greatest country in the world
Justice for all, lingers
what is going on?

I Fell out of Heaven

fell out of heaven
it was a tall fall
my whole world was changed
did not know who to call

in all this confusion
my soul was real tense
and then all of a sudden
everything made sense

everyday i wondered
I sought everywhere i could
the day i fell out of heaven
that day i understood

i fell out of heaven
it was a tall fall
the day i fell out of heaven
that day i saw it all

I am

a multicultural human intersection
I am all, and yet, I am none
i am everybody in one
i was blessed by nature
i have nuff roots and culture
i move to the beat of a sacred drum
the rainforest is where I’m from