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life does not have a meaning

only a beginning and an end

venture to find the meaning and there goes your life my friend

life is Time, an hourglass flipped at birth

what are your gonna do with you time on this earth

life is like electricity

it could be good or bad

we can strap a man on a chair and give him death

or we can zap a man’s chest and give him back his breath

life is not a question that can be answered by man

life is a statement that screams and roars,

i am

Science and Religion will never make us comprehend

love your friends and family respect life to the end

what is important is how we treat each other

and whether we keep the environment clean

the rest is just a waste of time

if you know, what i mean

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I Fell out of Heaven

fell out of heaven
it was a tall fall
my whole world was changed
did not know who to call

in all this confusion
my soul was real tense
and then all of a sudden
everything made sense

everyday i wondered
I sought everywhere i could
the day i fell out of heaven
that day i understood

i fell out of heaven
it was a tall fall
the day i fell out of heaven
that day i saw it all

Riding the celestial carousel

riding the Celestial Carousel

when does it end, noone can tell

a journey  between heaven and hell

a natural summons, a magical spell

a feast for the senses

delights for your mind

there is no fast forward

there is no rewind

now and here is all that is

take care of the moment, handle your biz

may your seasons be merry

may your journey be true

a lot depends on luck

a lot depends on you

so brace yourself

have a wonderful ride

as you take in the sunshine

watch out for the tide

Life is like a tree

life is like a tree
them, us you and me
open your mind
and you will see

we are all connected
we were born on the same day
separated by  branches
we have migrated away

nature and  the environment
our bodies from the earth
if it wasn’t for water
we would still be dirt

our origin is a mystery
we come from a magical seed
we are of different colors
but we are all the same breed

life is like a tree
as delicate as can be
harm one of the branches
you harm the entire tree

life is like a tree
them, us you and me
open up your mind
and you will see


Rush Limbaugh: The Great Fall

This is a piece i wrote a while back, it’s called

“the great fall”

It shows what you reap when you sow hate.

I want to dedicate it to the 30%

The Great Fall

now, let me tell you about a feign that would not quit

up in the air,hatred, he would spit

like a child that got no love from his mother

stirring the pot to make us hate each other

like humpty dumpty who sat on a  wall

except, this brother had diarrhea of the mouth

scheming, pestering, and inciting violence everyday

no surprise his pedestal gave way

tricksters and charlatans could not put him together again

this young, united generation in him, saw no friend

once again, time caught up with justice, and stood tall

the hatred and stupidity was too heavy for the wall

the verbal trickery he peddled in recent time

finally decoded, lacked sense, reason or rhyme

the time for hate and bigotry had pass

the rumblings, were not cheers, that was his ass

the pendulum hit him on the way back

he wasn’t expecting it, he was still slinging smack

the little man cried, “what the hell was that?”

he had forgotten about the spit, he had spat
