War is Terror

two thousand years after Jesus
a man rode in from the wild west
wearing an arrogant smirk
he did not say he was the messiah
but he kept quoting Jeremiah
he had a streak of righteousness
and he stubbornly stuck to his guns
he spoke of peace and created war
spoke of freedom and took away rights
spoke about democracy and dissed the world
he did everything we tell our kids not to do
he hit first
he ignored others views
he was reckless with life
he exaggerated the truth
he would not accept his mistakes
he was inconsiderate to others
he littered and polluted
he eavesdropped
he downright lied
he bullied
he stole and cheated
while hiding behind the shield of Christ
with the media as his accomplice
he committed atrocities against the weak
killed and maimed because he could
he ignored the people
it was a crime against all of us
and in the greatest country in the world
Justice for all, lingers
what is going on?


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