The liar: a person willing to misrepresent the truth for personal gain.
An ambitious power broker, who refuses to make public, the transcripts of her paid speeches to her donors on Wall Street. Taking millions of dollars from wealthy donors, while claiming not to be under their control. A person, who fabricates stories of stuff that did not occur, just to look favorable. Her wealthy financiers can hear what she says to the voters but the voters are not allowed to hear what she says to them.
The fool: a person that gets caught in the trap he set for others.
A bully, who flaunts his “wealth” like a badge of honor and whose claim to fame, is being obnoxious. A charlatan, seeking to affect the income tax rate, of every American, while refusing to make public, his own tax returns. A vulture capitalist, who manipulated the system and made a profit but clearly lacks the capacity to lead a people much less a nation.
Two cards on a dinner table,… Pick one.
Opening Night at LAMAG
Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery Exhibit entitled “Play”