Rush Limbaugh The Great Fall

Rush Limbaugh: The Great Fall

This is a piece i wrote a while back, it’s called

“the great fall”

It shows what you reap when you sow hate.

I want to dedicate it to the 30%

The Great Fall

now, let me tell you about a feign that would not quit

up in the air,hatred, he would spit

like a child that got no love from his mother

stirring the pot to make us hate each other

like humpty dumpty who sat on a  wall

except, this brother had diarrhea of the mouth

scheming, pestering, and inciting violence everyday

no surprise his pedestal gave way

tricksters and charlatans could not put him together again

this young, united generation in him, saw no friend

once again, time caught up with justice, and stood tall

the hatred and stupidity was too heavy for the wall

the verbal trickery he peddled in recent time

finally decoded, lacked sense, reason or rhyme

the time for hate and bigotry had pass

the rumblings, were not cheers, that was his ass

the pendulum hit him on the way back

he wasn’t expecting it, he was still slinging smack

the little man cried, “what the hell was that?”

he had forgotten about the spit, he had spat
