
Mah (Mother)


I honor you,  I thank you

you gave me of your body

and then you gave me more

you protected me, you fed me

you held my hand and you led me

You showed me that I was special

You showed me that I am just one (wo)man

You showed me how we are all different

You showed me how we were all one

You taught  me the magic of sharing and how it fills your heart

You made me feel alright, way back, from the start

You gave me true happiness , then you gave me more

And when you had no more to give, you showed me how to hope.

you blessed me, you assured me

you taught me how to cope


I honor you and I thank you

Rachel Corrie

who gets the glory for the day that we killed Rachel Corrie

how long will we sacrifice children to please the Gods?

we should have her, here, with us, shining her light

instead of in heaven, where certainly, there is no plight

we are chasing the reflection, like the dog and the bone

have we all gone mad or is it just me alone

I was

i was like a vulture with massive wings, i was a flying serpentine menace, i was quick and i was vicious, i was wild, crazy and capricious
i could smell you coming around the bend, i had a ruthless attack you could not defend,
my mission: deliver maximum terror, i was what evil saw when it looked in the mirror,
i could see your puny thoughts before you could, your ass was hay if you came to my hood,
my presence meant your fate was done, if you saw me and you had any sense you would run,
when i created chaos i was thorough, in every soul i would plant the seed of horror,
i could not wait for the daytime to come, so through the night i go get me some,
i would not rest till everyone understood, i was here to stay i was here for good,
that is how it goes, that is how it went,
until you came and your life i spent,
i realized that by killing you,
a part of me was ripped out too,
and every time that i slew another,
i was killing myself

The White Light

until i get to my first memory
when i left the warmth of my mother’s
the trauma of the birth canal
i felt like i was going to die
and then
the white light
that image burnt into the back of my
filled my eyes
it was blurry
there were some beings there to
welcome me
like they knew i was coming